System Alert: New Vine Transit schedules and services, starting Jan. 12, 2025

Commuter Information

V Commute

The Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) V-Commute Program is here to help you understand what programs are available to you and help you find alternative transportation options for a better commuting experience.
For more information, please visit

Have immediate commuter questions? Call us at 1-707-259-8778 or email [email protected]

Commuter Tax Benefits

Did you know you can pay for certain commute costs with pre-tax dollars and reap the benefits every day?

Under California Senate Bill SB 1339 employers with 50 or more workers in the Bay Area are required to offer certain commuter benefits to their employees.
To learn more visit

Guaranteed Ride Home

If you work in Napa county, you can rest easy knowing that whether you take transit, carpool, vanpool, bike, or walk to work that your employer and V-commute will be there for you in an emergency. Enrollment in the VCOMMUTE Guaranteed Ride Home program (GRH) provides employees with a reimbursement on your ride home (or to the place of emergency), whether it be by a Lyft, Uber, Taxi or other paid form of transportation. *Restrictions do apply, please visit the program page to learn more about qualifications for the reimbursement and how many times a year the GRH program can be used.

If you work in another county, ask us if you need assistance finding the Guaranteed Ride Home program there. Nearly all Bay Area counties have this program.