Free, late-night rides to BottleRock / La Onda 2025

All rides on the Vine bus during BottleRock Napa Valley (May 23-25) and the new La Onda music festival May 31 and June 1 will be free whether you’re going to the concerts or just getting around town. Both festivals take place at the Napa Valley Expo, just a 4-minute walk to the Soscol Gateway Transit Center (625 Burnell Street). Look for a complete schedule of BottleRock and La Onda services in the coming months, but for now, you can count on Vine Transit to get you there safely and at no cost!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are ALL rides free?

Yes! Anywhere you want to go on Vine Transit will be free May 23-25 and May 31-June 1, with extended late night services to accommodate Napa’s biggest summer concert series.

What bus stop is closest to BottleRock or La Onda?

The Soscol Gateway Transit Center — 625 Burnell St., Napa — which is a 4-minute walk to the concert grounds at the Napa Expo. Vine buses will be running all day, and will leave the Transit Center after the concerts each night, departing as soon as CHP opens the roads.

Do I need a bus pass?

Nope — just hop on for a free ride anywhere you want to go!

Where do I park?

You can use street parking near any Vine Transit bus stop – see a full map here. There is limited free parking available at the Redwood Park and Ride and Imola Park and Ride.

What other transit services connect with Vine?

BART – via the station in El Cerrito

Vallejo Ferry Terminal

AMTRAK – via the Suisun City Train Depot

Who do I contact for more info?

Vine Customer Service: (707) 251-2800 | (800) 696-6443

Ride Free to Your COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment

We’re offering free rides to and from your COVID-19 vaccine appointment on all our routes!

How to Ride Free:

1. Plan the best route to your vaccine appointment on our homepage or call (707) 251-2800 for assistance.

2. Show proof of your appointment to your driver when boarding. (appointment card, text or email confirmation, etc… may be shown on a printout or mobile device).

3. Ride free to and from your appointment.

Find Out When You Can Get the Vaccine

Sign up online to get notified when you’re eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine.


Call Napa County’s Vaccine Interest Hotline at (707) 253-4540, 9AM-5PM, Monday through Friday.

Clipper START Discount Fares Now Accepted on Vine

Save Money with Clipper START!


Clipper START allows qualified riders to purchase Vine rides at a 20% discount. The rides may be used on any Vine route, but are not accepted on Vine Go.

Clipper START es un programa que ofrece descuentos de 20% para viajes individuales en Vine Transit. Clipper no se acepta en Vine Go.


Adults who have a household income of up to 200% of the federal poverty level (approximately $53,000 a year for a family of four) are eligible.

Clipper START está disponible para los residentes elegibles del Área de la Bahía de San Francisco con edades entre los 19 y los 64 años y con bajos ingresos. Para calificar, debe tener un nivel de ingresos bruto (antes de impuestos) de los siguientes valores o menos.

How to Apply

Apply online or download an application at

Solicite en línea o descargue una solicitud en

NVTA Commits to Bay Area Healthy Transit Plan


Date: 09/22/2020

Media Contact: Robin Craig, NVTA Communications Officer

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 707-253-4599

Local transit agencies unite to provide a safe environment for transit workers and riders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

NAPA —At its September 16 Board Meeting, the Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) adopted a resolution that commits the agency to follow the Riding Together: Bay Area Healthy Transit Plan action items for frequent system cleaning, personal protective equipment and face coverings, and social distancing.

The plan recognizes that the region’s transit systems all connect with each other through transferring riders and a consistent health and safety plan to combat the spread of the coronavirus is essential to keep the region’s transit system operating safely and to keep transit workers and riders safe.

The Plan identifies standards and clarifies the responsibilities of transit workers and riders. Guidelines for face coverings, physical distancing, hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting, ventilation, touchless fares, and minimizing vocalization onboard are included in the plan.

It’s safe to get back on the bus. Vine Transit riders are slowly returning as the region eases restrictions on certain activities. Regional participation in this plan will help ensure the safety of riders and transit employees as ridership continues to increase.

The Bay Area Transit Plan was jointly developed by transit operators in all nine Bay Area counties, through their work with the Blue Ribbon Transit Recovery Trask Force, a committee convened to oversee the recovery of transit in the Bay Area. Blue Ribbon Task Force member, MTC Commissioner and NVTA Board Chair, Alfredo Pedroza commented that, “the Region’s transit systems keep our labor force moving, reduce traffic on our highways and freeways, and provide essential transportation for many of the Bay Area’s residents – riders need to know they’re safe before they’ll start riding again”.

The guidelines provided are based on information from the California Department of Public Health, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization.

Learn more about the Bay Area Healthy Transit Plan at

Fares Resume September 13

As a result of enhanced safety measures, fare collection will resume September 13, 2020, on all Vine services.

Vine fares have been suspended since March, to reduce interactions between riders and operators. Driver barriers have now been installed on buses, making it possible for passengers to safely board through the front door again.

To keep riders and operators safe, Vine Transit is using enhanced cleaning practices, limiting passenger loads, and blocking off seats to promote social distance. Riders and staff are required to wear face coverings on all Vine vehicles, at bus stops, and at the transit center. Social distancing is also required onboard buses and at bus stops.

In order to keep lines moving quickly, and ensure proper physical distancing, we encourage riders to use cash-free fare options whenever possible. Multi-ride passes and Clipper Cards can be purchased online at or at the Soscol Gateway Transit Center. Riders can also pay their fare on a mobile device, using Hopthru or Token Transit.

For more information about fares (including fare costs, payment methods, and more), please visit

Riding Together: Bay Area Healthy Transit Plan

The COVID-19 Pandemic has been a massive strain for everyone. And it presents transit systems with a historic set of challenges, including the need to adjust protocols and procedures to ensure a safe operating environment for everyone.

Transit operators in the nine Bay Area counties, have joined forces to initiate research, study U.S. and international efforts, and review information from the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), to develop common commitments and expectations for employees and passengers in our Bay Area transit systems.

From this work, we developed Riding Together—Bay Area Healthy Transit Plan. Development of our plan has additionally included collaboration with regional leaders, transit workers, paratransit providers, rider advocates, public health experts, and others.

As we are all guided forward by our State and local leadership toward business resumption, we view the safety of our employees and passengers as job number one. This plan serves as a tool for us, providing common commitments that have been set in place for our employees, our current passengers, and those who will be returning to transit.
This is a plan we own. A plan we will report on. And a plan that we will modify to the fluctuating nature of this pandemic. Furthermore, we are committed to the success of this plan, and look forward to a partnership with our customers and the shared responsibility for reducing transmission by properly wearing face coverings and meeting other expectations. We are all in this together. We look ahead to serving our customers as well as teaming with them to work through this challenging time that faces everyone.

Click here to learn more.